HazMat Pro-Series Cam Strap
HazMat Pro-Series Cam Strap is the strap for any diving operation or application that may be considered HazMat. The webbing is impermeable and resistant to blood borne pathogens, fuels and oils. Use to lock cylinder or other items in place. After use in a contaminated environment, the webbing can be completely removed from the stainless parts, cleaned and then reassembled to ensure 100% of the surface area has gone through the appropriate decontamination process. This modular design also allows for the strap to be shortened reducing the need to cut.
The Cam strap is made up of 4 parts:
The Stainless Steel Cam Buckle
Stainless Steel Keeper (Tri-glide)
Stainless Steel Oval Loop
44 inches (111 cm) of Urethane Impregnated / Coated webbing
No seams, stitching or velcro is used in the assembly of this Cam Strap.
After use in a contaminated environment, the webbing can be completly removed from the stainless parts, cleaned and then reassembled to ensure 100% of the surface area has gone through the appropriate decontamination process. This modular design also allows for the strap to be shortened reducing the need to cut.
Absorption - BioThane Coated Webbing
Test Procedure:
ASTM: D 570-98
Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics
Webbing samples were placed in a glass jar of ink and water. The bare webbing rapidly absorbs the ink, while the protective coating on the webbing prevents the ink from penetrating the webbing.
Frozen Flex Test - BioThane Coated Webbing
Frozen Flex Test
Test Procedure
ASTM: D751-06
Test Methods for Coated Fabrics
Low Temperature Bend Test
The photo is a side-by-side shot of webbing immediately as they were removed from a freezer. The ice has no effect on the BioThane® coated webbing and the uncoated nylon web is stiff and rigid.
Ink Impermeability Test - BioThane Coated Webbing
Ink Impermeability Test
Test Procedure
ASTM: D 471 -12
Rubber Property Effects of Liquids
This photo was taken seconds after ink drops were placed on the samples. Without the protective coating, the ribbon absorbs the ink rapidly.
Chemical Test - BioThane Coated Webbing
Chemical Test
Test Procedure
ASTM: D471-12
Rubber Property Effect of Liquid
After soaking the webbing samples in oil for more than a month, the protective coating of the webbing reveals the webbing underneath is still in perfect condition. We recommend heat sealing the ends of coated webbing to achieve these results.
UV Test - BioThane Coated Webbing
UV Protection Test
Test Procedure
ASTM G155 - 05a Standard
Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials
This photo is of an actual test card. The first column on the left is a sample at “zero hours,” which is the control sample. The color begins to fade as the simulated weathering progresses over time.
Abrasion Test - BioThane Coated Webbing
Hex Bar Abrastion Test
Test Procedure
ASTM : D6770-2 Hex Bar Abrasion
The coated webbing, treated with an invisible shield-like coating, is resistant to this type of extreme abrasion testing.
Mildew - BioThane Coated Webbing
Mold & Mildew Test
Test Procedure
ASTM: G21-09
Fungus Resistance
The webbing coated exhibits its resistance to mold and fungus under these test conditions. The bare web tow strap is not able to resist the conditions and mold begins to grow while the coated webbing protects the webbing from harmful mold growth.
Microbial Test - BioThane Coated Webbing
Anti-Microbial Test
Test Procedure
ASTM: F1671-97b
Standard Method for Resistance of Materials in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Blood-Borne Pathogens using Phi-x174 Bacteriophage Penetration as a Test System
D1331 Test Methods for Surface Interfacial Tension of Solutions
The protective urethane coating on the webbing forces the blood to stay on the surface, thus making it easy to clean. This attribute is a significant benefit to many markets, in particular the HazMat & medical industry.
Clean Test - BioThane Coated Webbing
Speed Clean Wipe Test
Test Procedure
Apply mud & oil to both surfaces. Wipe accross one time with wet towel.
The protective coating on the BioThane® coated webbing allows the webbing to be cleaned easier and faster.
• Color: Black
• 1000 lb break strength
• Thickness: 1.40mm - 1.65mm
• Width: 50mm
• Heat Sealed Ends
• BioThane®